A&P Technology is uniquely positioned to support innovation and growth within the Composites Industry. Our people and our braiding machine building capabilities provide our customers with the confidence to choose braided reinforcements for high performing, high-rate applications.

Sales & Engineering Support
Sales & Engineering Support
Let us help you succeed. Our Sales and Application Engineering team is not only knowledgeable and experienced, we are fun to work with! We enjoy helping our customers create the most efficient, sustainable material form possible, providing the performance benefits of braid at the most affordable price. We have decades of experience designing braids to optimize composite solutions and we love contributing to the incredible innovation found within the Composites Industry. See some ways in which we can create custom solutions.
A&P has developed a large database of braid test data enabling its engineers to screen material options before entering into costly and time-consuming prototype work. Our engineers have partnered with customers to develop data from the coupon level, including impact and bird strike testing of panels, to the component level.
High rate
Since 1986, A&P has designed and built dedicated machinery to support large volume programs including: fuselage frames for Boeing’s 787-8s; fan case containment for GE Aerospace’s GEnx engines; low cost attritable aircraft for the Air Force; AirBeam shelters for support and command centers for the U.S. Army; communication dishes; braided carbon fiber automotive wheels; and composite propellers used in General Aviation and Advanced Air Mobility.
A&P’s current campus consists of six buildings in Cincinnati, OH with room for expansion. Our ability to design braiding machinery in-house allows A&P to quickly manufacture purpose-built equipment to support high-rate production.
Contact us to find ways we can help enable easy, rapid manufacture of composite parts: sales@braider.com