
If our standard products do not meet your needs exactly, we have the ability to customize fabrics to optimize part requirements, reduce waste and reduce manufacture costs.

Custom fabrics include fabrics with tailored angles, hybrid architectures and/or hybridized material systems.

A&P’s wide range of braiding machinery enables us to create wide fabrics with angles that will follow the load path of your part. We can change fiber architecture to meet specific dimensions and specific mechanical requirements, and we do this easily, every day.

Specific architectures, like this example of a 0°, +/-30° triaxial fabric, can be produced to meet mechanical property requirements at the minimum thickness.

Hybrid biaxial/triaxial fabric

Axial content can be varied across the width of a fabric to increase stiffness and drapability in parallel. A hybrid biaxial/triaxial fabric provides extra stiffness in the top region of this hat stiffener and allows for conformability along the sides. Material types can be hybridized as well, ie. high modulus carbon can be used in the axial direction to further increase stiffness while using standard modulus in the bias to create a cost-effective solution.